With the initiative “The World of Sand and Gravel” our main goal to introduce the young people do with this sector. There are currently no specific courses for and available from the industry. The companies from the sand and gravel sector mainly use a learning culture of on-the-job training.
To interest young people in this sector it is important that they are presented in a fun and contemporary way to get to know the sector. This makes the game not only informative, but also a fun activity to learn more about the sand and gravel sector. This applies to both practical and theoretical courses. For example, there are functions where you work with your hands in the workplace itself, but there are also functions that are performed in the office, among other things.
Furthermore, we think it is important that the own employees can also use this serious game. This is to gain more insight into their work and the sector. This fits in perfectly with the culture of training on the job. In this way they experience the importance of their own role in the sustainability/energy transition of work. In doing so, they also become acquainted with the new techniques (digitization) and they become acquainted with other companies in the sand and gravel sector.